Displaying 31 - 60 of 128 in total

Recommend or Refute | Thank You Very Much (2023), Spy x Family: Code White (2024), Kuroneko (1968)

Recommend or Refute | Thank You Very Much (2023), Spy x Family: Code White (2024), Kuroneko (1968)

This episode isn't a hoax or a prank, it's just a regular Recommend or Refute episode. Why would we open with that? Well, when John brings Thank You Very Much (2023), ...

Serpico (1973)

Serpico (1973)

The great Al Pacino and his luscious head of hair star in this gritty biopic about one honest cop who stood up against the corrupt structures of the NYPD. Join us as w...

Recommend or Refute | All The President's Men (1976), Late Night With The Devil (2023), Satan's Guide to The Bible (2023)

Recommend or Refute | All The President's Men (1976), Late Night With The Devil (2023), Satan's Guide to The Bible (2023)

On this episode of Recommend or Refute, Dixon brings up All The President's Men (1976) and we lament the devolution of journalistic integrity. John talks pseudo-70s ae...

Cashback (2006)

Cashback (2006)

John continues to force us to revisit the movies he loved as a teenager that may or may not have aged well since then. This week we're talking about the horny British ...

Recommend or Refute | Wonka (2023), Civil War (2024), Saving Private Ryan (1998)

Recommend or Refute | Wonka (2023), Civil War (2024), Saving Private Ryan (1998)

This is a Recommend or Refute with plenty of tangents. Prepare yourself to wade through the quagmire of mixed feelings as Ryan whips up a special chocolate covered con...

The Death of Stalin (2018)

The Death of Stalin (2018)

Did y'all hear that Stalin died? They made a movie about it starring Steve Buscemi and Jeffrey Tambor.

Recommend or Refute | The Roaring Twenties (1939), Priscilla (2023), The Pagemaster (1994)

Recommend or Refute | The Roaring Twenties (1939), Priscilla (2023), The Pagemaster (1994)

Dixon and John have returned --with special guest Parker-- to serve up some fresh picks for the dwindling watchlists out there. Prohibition may be over, but the legend...

Silence (2016)

Silence (2016)

We're finally doing Dixon's favorite movie, the profoundly transformative Silence (2016) by the great Martin Scorsese. Join John, Dixon, and special guest Parker as we...

Recommend or Refute | This Place Rules (2022), Dune (1984), SXSW 2024 Top Picks

Recommend or Refute | This Place Rules (2022), Dune (1984), SXSW 2024 Top Picks

On this episode of Recommend or Refute, Ryan brings us a feature length dose of Andrew Callaghan's gonzo journalism with the Max exclusive documentary This Place Rules...

Thank You for Smoking (2005)

Thank You for Smoking (2005)

Thank you for listening to this episode.  There's no proof that podcasting causes cancer.  Yet.

Recommend or Refute | The Eight Mountains (2022), Maburoshi (2023), G-Force (2009)

Recommend or Refute | The Eight Mountains (2022), Maburoshi (2023), G-Force (2009)

Join the usual Afterthoughts crew as they share another sampling of drastically different films. Dixon takes us for a hike into The Eight Mountains (2022), giving just...

Soft & Quiet (2022)

Soft & Quiet (2022)

Just a very chill movie about a few Nazi housewives having a small get-together to talk about Nazi shit.

Recommend or Refute | The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957), Talk to Me (2022), Furry Vengeance (2010)

Recommend or Refute | The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957), Talk to Me (2022), Furry Vengeance (2010)

Another RoR is here and we're proud to serve up another set of eclectic offerings spanning sci-fi, horror, and something that's labeled "comedy". Dixon tells us why si...

Another Round (2020)

Another Round (2020)

This is by far our drunkest episode. You're welcome.

Recommend or Refute | Action Jackson (1988), Outlaw Johnny Black (2023), The Delinquents (2023)

Recommend or Refute | Action Jackson (1988), Outlaw Johnny Black (2023), The Delinquents (2023)

On this episode of Recommend or Refute, Ryan pays tribute to the late Carl Weathers by bringing Action Jackson (1985) to the episode. John finally follows up that Blac...

The Stunt Man (1980)

The Stunt Man (1980)

John picked the movie this week, so you know it's gonna be a fuckin' doozy.  We're talking about Richard Rush's batshit crazy passion project The Stunt Man (1980).  It...

Recommend or Refute | Baby Face (1933), The Marvel Infinity Saga (2008-2019), Inherent Vice (2014)

Recommend or Refute | Baby Face (1933), The Marvel Infinity Saga (2008-2019), Inherent Vice (2014)

It's time for the roundtable roundup known as Recommend or Refute. Jump back to the 1930s as Dixon talks about the impressively risqué, precode film Baby Face (1933). ...

Singin' in the Rain (1952)

Singin' in the Rain (1952)

Podcaaaaastin' in the rain, podcaaaaastin' in the rain! What a glooooorious feeeeelin! I'm haaaaaapy agaaaain!

Recommend or Refute | Timebomb Y2K (2023), Twisted Metal (2023), Menus-Plaisirs - Les Troisgros (2023)

Recommend or Refute | Timebomb Y2K (2023), Twisted Metal (2023), Menus-Plaisirs - Les Troisgros (2023)

On this very 2023 edition of Recommend or Refute, Ryan rags on the overblown Y2K crisis with Timebomb Y2K (2023), John shifts into drive and off-roads his way through ...

Harakiri (1962)

Harakiri (1962)

Join us for our second ever listener request episode! Our listener Tyler recommended that we watch the 1962 samurai classic Harakiri, and we're very glad he did. This ...

Recommend or Refute | You Can't Take It With You (1938), Pleasantville (1998), Family Switch (2023)

Recommend or Refute | You Can't Take It With You (1938), Pleasantville (1998), Family Switch (2023)

On this completely unscripted episode of Recommend or Refute, Dixon brings a Frank Capra comedy You Can't Take It With You (1938) that you actually can take with you i...

2023 Year End Retrospectacular!!!

2023 Year End Retrospectacular!!!

It's that time of year when we look back and celebrate the best (and worst) that 2023 had to offer. Join us as we discuss our favorite episodes, 2023 releases, and old...

Recommend or Refute | Battlestar Galactica (2004), American Fiction (2023), Carol & The End of the World (2023)

Recommend or Refute | Battlestar Galactica (2004), American Fiction (2023), Carol & The End of the World (2023)

On this episode of Recommend or Refute special guest Mark (who might be a Cylon) takes to space with Battlestar Galactica (2004), Dixon publishes his spoken word revie...

Simpsons Christmas

Simpsons Christmas

Happy Holidays from the Afterthoughts crew!  This week we're talking about Christmas in the context of America's favorite TV cartoon family, The Simpsons.

Recommend or Refute | D.A.R.Y.L. (1985), Dream Scenario (2023), The Air Bud Legacy (1995-Present Day)

Recommend or Refute | D.A.R.Y.L. (1985), Dream Scenario (2023), The Air Bud Legacy (1995-Present Day)

On this episode of Recommend or Refute, the Afterthoughts crew forgoes Holiday recommendations (those are yet to come) in favor of a semi-conventional episode. John's ...

The Boy and the Heron (2023)

The Boy and the Heron (2023)

We're finishing our anime series with Hayao Miyazaki's career-capping triumph The Boy and the Heron (2023). Join us as we dive deep into the film's meaning and discuss...

Recommend or Refute | The Boogeyman, The Old Way, The Fall of the House of Usher, Lakota Nation vs. United States

Recommend or Refute | The Boogeyman, The Old Way, The Fall of the House of Usher, Lakota Nation vs. United States

Ryan's gone missing, but John and Dixon are holding down the fort with two new movies each. John discusses the latest Stephen King adaptation The Boogeyman (2023), as ...

Gymkata (1985)

Gymkata (1985)

This episode could have been and should have been about an entirely different film; however, fate didn't permit the discussion of our initial pick. While the decision ...

Recommend or Refute | His Girl Friday (1940), Honorable Men (2004), Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix (2023)

Recommend or Refute | His Girl Friday (1940), Honorable Men (2004), Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix (2023)

On this round of Recommend or Refute, we've got another eclectic sampling for your consideration. Dixon talks journalism and classic Hollywood with His Girl Friday (19...

Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (2001)

Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (2001)

In the second episode of our mini-spotlight series on anime cinema, the Afterthoughts crew is jumping from the fantastical fairytale world of Hayao Miyazaki. We're cat...

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