Talking Topics: SXSW 2023 (Part 1)
In our first topic discussion episode, John interviews Dixon about the recent SXSW 2023 festival. In Part 1 we'll be talking Film Festival strategy, Dixon's top highlight, lowlight, and nolight (i.e. meh moive) from the fest, as well as dissect a few of the documentaries he'd recommend or meh-commend.
Films we talk about:
- Aberrance (2023)
- With Love and a Major Organ (2023)
- Revival69: The Concert that Rocked the World (2023)
- Last Stop Larrimah (2023)
- Kite Zo A (2023)
- A Disturbance in the Force (2023)
Films we talk about:
- Aberrance (2023)
- With Love and a Major Organ (2023)
- Revival69: The Concert that Rocked the World (2023)
- Last Stop Larrimah (2023)
- Kite Zo A (2023)
- A Disturbance in the Force (2023)